Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mei Mei !!!

We LOVE Mei Mei!

We have watched ALL her videos and adore all of them 
(but #4 has always been our favorite)!

Our local FCC(Families with Children from China)/FCA(Families with Children from Asia) group invited Mei Mei to our Mpls!

We had our own sing, dance and learn session with Mei Mei!

Madeline had a cameo appearance and danced with her!
I was proud of her for getting up there and dancing in front of everyone!

The children loved every minute of it!

She did many of the songs and movements that she has in her videos!

Melissa felt right at home! It was all so familiar to her!
I know she did lots of dancing in her orphanage and school!

It was so much fun for everyone!

Mei Mei looks just like she did in her videos!

Before the program started and as we were checking in- we were able to talk to her!
They loved seeing her in real life!

At first the big girls found it hard to partake(they were a little self conscious) but they quickly got over it and joined in the fun!

It was a fantastic day!

Then Melissa got a chance to dance with Mei Mei, too!

She did a wonderful job!

It was a workout for all of us!

Even the parents got involved!
Yep! me too!
I wouldn't have wanted to miss it!

It brought back wonderful memories for all of the children. 
No matter what the situation was in China, they all love the Chinese songs and dance!
It's a soft place to land in their memory banks!

Mei Mei lives in Providence, RI.
She is now a professor at Brown University.
I do not how many appearances she makes each year BUT I would highly recommend having her to your one of your FCC/FCA functions!

After our hour long session we had cake and juice and a Q and A time. Then it was pics and a chance to look at her videos and Chinese writing books!

She has 2 new videos out #8 and #9!

FYI #4 and #9 are the best! Although we would recommend all of them!

And YES there will be a #10!

We bring these videos to China with us when we adopt. 
Both the new children and the children we bring with us, 
enjoy them!

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