Sunday, April 29, 2012

Our Weekend!

The little children had their first karate tournament on Saturday!
They had so much fun and came home with a lot of hardware!
They see Johnny getting trophies and medals so they were thrilled to finally get their own!

Johnny went to prom this weekend!
There he is with his date...
I mean dates!
Yes, both boys(Will and Johnny) took Gabby to the prom!

The both got her a corsage but...
 I sent the second team(hubby) to the pictures and well, the pics weren't quite what they should have been. (That's just between us!)
Johnny said "Dad spent most of the time talking AND then the camera ran out of batteries..."

I guess that's what happens when it's the 5th time through...
Our poor Luke- he'll be the 13th ;-)

The kids love to go get donuts/ muffins and coffee with Dad in the morning.
They really wanted to have breakfast outside today!
Dad said yes...
I said it's 44 degrees outside honey!
Dad said so they'll eat fast!

They did (eat fast) and loved it!

We went to church with Katie and Andrew this morning it was so nice! The church they are being married in is absolutely beautiful!

Katie helped Sarah do her nails!

They are the sticker kind and look so cute!
Sarah was thrilled!

This weekend we also had recital practice for Ava and Anna, manners classes and 2 MRI's of the brain.
It was a bit busier than usual and I did think maybe we should not go to church this weekend but we ended up going... and everything fell into place- perfectly!
Only God!
And yes, my fleeting thought of skipping church was... well, wrong...

This weekend I came across two children that I remembered from a waiting child list. They were such precious children- quite unforgettable. I had just been wondering IF I would ever be able to find out what happened to them?

And then God led me right to them- it was so cool!

I wish there was a data base so we could see where these precious children are and also see their forever families.

How was your weekend?

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