Thursday, April 12, 2012

Getting Educated on BMT

We met with the transplant team this morning.

We really didn't know what to expect - we went into the appt with an open mind.

It was interesting to say the least and it left us very thankful that we were so close to a facility that does bone marrow transplants.
Some families have to travel out of state for this- we get to drive 25 minutes away from our home.

Huge blessing!

They told us to plan for 2 months in the hospital. If it goes extremely well it will be shorter. After that it will be 3 months of regular Dr appt- about every other day we will have to go in. There are many possible complications that could arise so they need to see her often after the transplant.

It is going to take quite a bit of planning and scheduling so we can meet the needs of Abby and our family at home. We just have to put our faith in God and move forward. He has a plan and I am certain it's a good one!

Her MDS is not acting like typical MDS. The Dr said it is extremely rare for a child to have this disease. Usually if a child does have it, it progresses into Leukemia quickly and doesn't hang around for 4 years like Abby's, without progressing.

HUGE, Huge blessing! Thank you God!!

They will monitor her closely to be sure it doesn't change into Leukemia.

If they see anything changing they will do the transplant asap.

They hope to do the BMT in 6 months.

They had not actually started the donor search but will be starting it now. We should know what the results are in 2-3 weeks.

They can use donors from the registry or cord blood donors. Both have a few positives and negatives BUT they generally have the same outcome. So for a child one is not better than the other.

Possible options! Another huge blessing from God!

Abby has a 70% chance that it will work and she will have a pretty normal life however her chances for other cancers and complications from the chemo will always be part of her life.


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