Monday, April 23, 2012

Landscaping Continues

When I last spoke about the (sad) state of our front yard, this is what it looked like:
It was a jumble of bushes, weeds, flowers. It was a "hot mess" as Niecy Nash would say! The cold, wet weather really prevented me from doing much about it until now. When I started working on cleaning this up the other day, it looked like this:

An even bigger, hotter mess! The only reason why it looks remotely better is because the azaleas have begun to bloom. The bushes were only planted last year so they are still a little on the skimpy side, but we are patiently waiting for them to fill in. When taking a closer look, you can see how big the weeds have grown. Ugh!

Do you see the size of this thing?? This is just one of them!

Then there were the random daffodils to deal with. The ones that were popping up among the bushes were impossible to pull out by the roots because they are underneath the landscaping fabric and somehow managed to grow sideways and up. But there was a big clump of daffodils to the right of the last hydrangea bush and I was determined to get them all the way out once and for all. Imagine my surprise when I realized there were 12 bulbs down there!! Have no fear, I gave them to my mom for her to replant so they won't go to waste. She was more than happy to take them off my hands.

And here we are, weed free. I still need to add a layer of mulch on top, but it is already looking a million times better.

You may have noticed the stakes and mesh fence on the porch. They are for this spot to the right of the porch. So far I spent over an hour just clearing about 2 square feet for the garden. I don't think I knew what I was getting myself into when I promised the kids a veggie garden this year. This is hard work, man! Not to mention that I don't like bugs. Or worms. Ooops. Those creatures tend to hang out in gardens...  The garden itself is not going to take up this entire space, but it all needs to be cleaned up and the bare patches need to be filled with grass.

I'm going to need some help here. Oh, hubby....

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