Sunday, April 15, 2012

Our Barbecue!

We had a beautiful day on Saturday and some sprinkles on Sunday.

We decided that Sunday evening would be burgers on the grill!

Usually... it would be a great idea!

BUT the weather pattern changed and...
We had a thunderstorm WITH hail!
Look closely!
Hubby is being pelted by hail!

He found refuge under the roof while on the deck!

Okay, okay, so our timing was off... a little!

We were so close to making it work!

Burgers with a few... okay, a lot of raindrops on them still work for dinner!
At least at our house it does!

It was wonderful entertainment!

Watching hubby/daddy run form the door to the deck, from the door to the deck, from the door to the deck!

I really should have gotten pics of the kids as they watched their daddy... 
BUT my subject outside wasn't about to wait for more pics!

He was a good sport about it AND everyone loved dinner- burgers and corn from the grill!

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