Tuesday, June 25, 2013

VBS 2013

What a great week for ALL of us!!

All of the children attended Vacation Bible School from 8:30am- 12:00!

Oh my- I loved my time in the mornings!

I am thinking VBS should last all summer!
It was so nice to get a few things done and visit with a few friends!

By 12:00 I was ready to pick up our crew!
I missed the munchkins!

 This is a highlight of the summer and they have already asked when can they go back!

This is Luke's first preschool experience!
Sarah is one of his teachers!

Anna, Ava and Melissa are together in the 2nd grade class room!

Abby and Sam are in the first grade room together!
Sam keeps an eye on Abby for me!
And... Abby keeps an eye on Sam!

 Emma is in the 5th grade classroom. This was her last year. The other kids and teachers are always so kind to her!

Ellie and Mia are in fourth grade BUT they were in different classroom.
Yes, that was planned!
The girls get along well but Ellie's self esteem is low and Mia is only 4 months out of the orphanage.
In a heartbeat Mia would grab the opportunity to make fun of Ellie in front of others.
It's the old "make fun of another person weaker than me so I look better" kinda thinking...
Mia is getting much better at this but in a new situation and without her mother's watchful eye she wouldn't be able to resist.

Madeline is in the kindergarten room. It was a good fit for her!

What a great week!
If only it was longer than 5 days...

Please continue to pray for Teresa!

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