Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad DAY!

I cannot believe that I have had the stomach flu twice this winter…
It should be outlawed, it is no fair at all…
plus the older I get the longer that 24 hour bug lasts...
I am finally on the mend!

We went to "Alexander's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day"

When I read the book I thought it was cute but Alexander complained a lot- something I am trying not to have my kids do…
I wasn't necessarily looking forward to the play but I already bought the ticket so decided we should go anyways.

We were pleasantly surprised!
The play was wonderful and they involved the audience!
Plus, we just happened to be sitting in the front row!

Since I kind of neglected St Patricks Day we made green mac n cheese!
They loved it despite how it looked!

When I was running errands the Lord blessed me by showing me a bald eagle!
I tried to get a better pic but this is all I could get.
They are so beautiful and it's a day maker for me!

Last week was a big week for Ellie!

She got her braces off!
She was so excited!!

The children's Aunt, Uncle and Cousin Annie came over Saturday morning with doughnuts!
We had to cancel our usual Christmas gathering this past year since two of the boys had just come home and it is quite hectic when ever we have newbies… that is pretty much all the time ;-)

But, now that they have been home 3.5 months we are getting into a bit of a routine and ready to meet more people!

Of course Joey immediately took to Cousin Annie (everyone does!)- he held her hand and hugged her- I guess we still have a bit of work to do with this little guy!

Hoping tomorrow I am back to normal!
It just doesn't work when Mom isn't feeling well…
(praying no one else will get it- Anna, Ben, Mark and Hubby already had it…)

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