Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March Birthday's!

I have to tell you that just looking at the referral pics of some of our children has completely stirred my heart and makes me so thankful to GOD that they are HOME!
Oh my goodness, how we love these little ones!

And now, 
I love looking at your referral pics(on FB and blogs), praying for your adoption journey and knowing that you are in for an amazing God experience!
It is so heartwarming!

Our treasures have grown so much in such a short while!

Re-entry into the real world after a vacation has been challenging this week.
Hubby had to jump right back into work and the rest of us miss seeing him.

On top of that, it is snowing right now and we are expecting 4-6 inches!'
(posted this after the snow and we only got 3 inches! Whew, thank you Jesus!)

Mark just bought a book called Chineasy.
Ben was thrilled to see it- something familiar to him!

We went to our favorite Chinese restaurant last weekend and Ben was so excited- he kept pointing to things and saying "China, me, China, me".
He was a bit surprised when I told him all the children were from China!
Funny- how we think they know things that they really don't know!
There is so much to learn with international adoption- for both the parent and the child.

Everyone was so glad to see Billy and Kelly! 
Billy starred his new job in January and has been very busy at work.
We miss having him reading and studying in the porch or downstairs.

The March Birthday's!

These two cannot get enough of their big brother Mark!

Happy Birthday Billy!

Good news! Madeline is done with patching for 2 months and then she will have a recheck! I was concerned that I had not done a "good enough" job with patching because of our busy schedule and vacation BUT her eyesight has improved even more! So happy for her!

Happy Birthday Sarah!
She also got a balance beam earlier in the week!
It arrived before we got home from vacation and she didn't fall for the "it's a wooden fence" trick. So she opened it early!
Kinda hard to hide a balance beam!

She has already learned to stick a cartwheel, handstand, splits, back walkover and a front walkover… just this week!
If this girl had come home earlier she would be competing in gymnastics!
(It's okay with her slightly older than average parents that she is not competing!)
we love her determination and work ethic!

and one by one…

they get closer and closer 

and closer!

She needed a bike that fit her!
It's a pretty good deal being the oldest of 13!
She is handing her other bike down to Ellie.
Ellie is very happy to have it!

We have a gymnast and a golfer on the cake!
Kinda looks like Billy will be knocking Sarah off the beam!

She's just making sure all 14 candles are on the cake! 

We are all wondering how many boyfriends Sarah will have?
She blew out all but 5!
Oh my- we are going to have to watch her closely!

It was a great celebration!

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