Thursday, September 29, 2011


Thank you for all you responses!! We loved them! Some were so funny- isn't that the dogs name? And I can't quite get past the fact that it's your dogs name! They were very helpful such as looking up the meaning of the names to see which one we wanted to bless her with!

We also loved the name Lizzie that a couple people mentioned!

After much thought and prayer we have made a decision!

It feels good! It feels right!

And most importantly we prayed over this and ask God for guidance- what did he want his child to be named?

I sat down with my bible and completely randomly opened it- guess what page, out of all the many pages in the bible it opened to! Yes, 1 Samuel 23 where it talks about Abigail- she was a beautiful and sensible woman. Her name means Joy of the Father!

I wrestled with God all night and throughout the next day! God won- he always wins!

Of course one of the big kids pointed out the fact that Mia was at a disadvantage- her name is not in the bible but I am sure if that would have been God's choice he would have let me know one way or another!

To be honest "I" couldn't get past the fact that it was the dog's name! We tried for 4 months to call her another name- Maya, Fifi, Fifa, hey you get over here, and many more names! I knew that once our little girl was home we would constantly be making mistakes and she wouldn't really understand why her name was the same as the dogs!

To those of you that have a MIA- I love that name! Eight years ago we had no idea we would be traveling down this path of adoption so we named our cute little puppy Mia and we are now to the point of no return- now we can't undo what we did (we tried ;-)!

We also had a family vote and between Mia, Lizzie and Abby- it was unanimous- everyone loved Abby, Lizzie came in second. The big kids just don't want their new sister to have the same name as the dog- I understand now. It took me only 6 months to "get it"- Ima little slow and stubborn!

So here she is!

Abigail Elizabeth MuChun!

Our Abby!

Thank you for your help and words of wisdom!

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