Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why I Blog. . .

Before I begin the next series of posts I want to let everyone know why I blog.

Just in case you are a new reader and your are wondering


My blog is a way to share the joys and challenges of adoption.

It is meant to encourage others that are considering adoption
and help  
those that may be struggling in their adoption journey.

It is a means to celebrate family, God and adoption.

The focus is on GOD as we share our victories and defeats. To us, our children are miracles and we marvel over them everyday. Sometimes in life we stumble and sometimes we soar!
All glory and honor we give to GOD!

We praise HIM everyday for the the road he has lead us down.
The road has many twists and turns.. We hold fast to HIM during those times.
It is quite an adventure once you give your life to HIM!

Dear Readers and Followers-
I love how you pray with us, and for us and I consider it an honor to pray for you.

I like sharing our life with you and I love to hear your stories too.

We feel an immediate connection with others who are Jesus loving, family loving and adoption loving!

This is also a scrapbook/ photo album for our family.

I am sad to say that
recently our blog has been used for other purposes.

It has been used to obtain information about us in an attempt to hurt us.

I will be sharing our story with you in the near future.

This is an effort to educate others and to help protect other adoptive families.

we will focus on the JOY!!

(Later I will share the "not so nice" story with you.)


Praising God for this joy filled adventure and deeply thanking the

for making Abby's wish come true!

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