Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Abuse... comes in many forms...

I am contemplating posting this...

I have mention before that our little neighborhood has had challenges but for the most part I have not shared the details with you. I don't share them with you because I felt like it was tacky. God places these challenges before us and I knew that with His help HE would win over evil.

But once again evil has reared it's ugly head and once again I bring my offerings to the Lord and pray for this person for his family. Especially his family... I am concerned for his wife and children.

When I pulled up into our driveway our 6 treasures got out of the van and joyfully ran over to their little friend! She is 3 yrs old and was delighted to see the children.

Childrens' heart are so pure, so beautiful. I think that is why I love them so much. The radiate an innocence that is like no other.

They are so different from adults...

Our neighbors have a doberman puppy- about 9 months old. Sam and Ava do not always no how to behave around dogs and ran from the him. He chased them and leapt and nipped at their faces. I quickly went over to tell them not to run from the dog and to let our neighbors know that we all need to be careful. I had no anger, no attitude, no other agenda.

The wife was fine with everything but the husband was not. I did not even open my mouth and was immediately verbally attacked. I was completely shocked and dismayed-I had no idea he harbored so much anger. Jim and I make it a point to be nice to everyone.

In all the years we have been married never have I been talked to this way. It was very sad... I said his name a few times and told him to stop. The children were standing there listening to him and their jaws were dropped. His own child loves our children and yet right in front of them... he went on and on.

He complained about the children, he said things that were so untrue, he attacked us personally and he wasn't correct with anything he said. He went on and on and then when I said stop he mocked me saying stop.

Friends there were so many things I could have said but held my tongue. I knew anything I would have said would have fallen on deaf ears and this was not just my personal battle but much more- this was a spiritual battle.

His wife was teary eyed. I was in shock and finally told him that he was being verbally abusive and he needed to stop right away. I immediately sent the children inside.

And then he verbally attacked our children. He said they were not normal, they were weird. Of course that wasn't all he said but does it even matter.

How can any adult say anything like that about a child? Any Child? It makes me sick...

Evil rears itself in many ways and many forms and today I came face to face with it...

Please say prayers!

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